
Every Bite Challenge - I WON!

I can't believe it! I won the Questions for Dessert Every Bite Challenge. I am so excited!

I know people always say that they never win, but really, I NEVER win. In fact most blog contests I don't even enter figuring that I would never win so why bother. I know very negative, but honest. Well this has given me a new perspective:

You'll never win if you don't try!

I think that that is a good mantra for WW too! I need to remember that. The effort was totally worth it and thanks Krissie, I am that much more motivated now. I am looking forward to Everday Food magazine. I will have to try some of the recipes and post the results on Eating Fine.


  1. Anonymous5.3.09

    Congratulations! You deserve this!

  2. Awesome! Congrats. Yu make your blog fun and interestin so it's not a surprise. I agree with you - I never win anything either! Only thing I can remember is winning a campbells soup mug a few years ago from a campbells contest.


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